International management roles
Membership and Service for International Scientific Societies
Filiberto Bilotti has been a founder of the Virtual Institute for Advanced Electromagnetic Materials and Metamaterials - METAMORPHOSE VI AISBL (2007), the leading international scientific society on metamaterials.
2019-now: Vice-President and Executive Director
2016-2019: Elected President (2nd term)
2013-2016: Elected President
2011-2013: Elected Member of the Board of Directors
2008-2011: Elected Member of the Board of Directors
2007-2008: Elected Member of the Board of Directors
Filiberto Bilotti is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE.
Membership levels:
2017 IEEE Fellow
2006 IEEE Senior Member
2002 IEEE Member
1997 IEEE Student Member
IEEE society membership:
1997-now IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society
Lifetime member: IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (since 1997)
2022-now Appointed member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Meetings Committee
OPTICA (former OSA)
Lifetime member (member since 2008)
2012-2018 Appointed member of the "Photonic Metamaterials Technical Group"
Lifetime member (member since 2010)
European Association on Antennas & Propagation (EurAAP)
Member (since 2008)
Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA)
Fellow (since 2023)
National management roles
Membership and Service for National Scientific Societies
Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT)
Member (since 2002)
Società Italiana di ElettroMagnetismo (SIEM)
Member (since 2002)
National Scientific Qualification (ASN)
ASN 2018
2018-2021 - Appointed member of the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) Committee for the discipline 09/F1 (ING-INF/02) Electromagnetic Fields.
ASN Appeal Board
2020-now - Appointed member of the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) Appeal Committee for the discipline 09/F1 (ING-INF/02) Electromagnetic Fields.
Panel Member of National Competition Procedures for Professor Positions
- Appointed member of the Judging Panel of a national competition procedure for 2 Associate Professor positions at the University of Salerno (February 2022).
- Appointed member of the Judging Panel of a national competition procedure for 1 Full Professor position at the University of Sannio (November 2021).
- Appointed member of the Judging Panel of a national competition procedure for 1 Assistant Professor position (RTD-B) at ROMA TRE University (October 2021).
- Appointed member of the Judging Panel of a national competition procedure for 1 Associate Professor position at the University of Calabria (September 2021).
- Appointed member of the Judging Panel of a national competition procedure for 1 Associate Professor position at the University of Naples "Partenope" (April 2021).
- Appointed member of the Judging Panel of a national competition procedure for 1 Assistant Professor position (RTD-A) at the University of Trento (July 2020).
- Appointed member of the Judging Panel of a confirmation procedure for an Assistant Professor position (RTD-A) at ROMA TRE University (October 2019)
- Appointed member of the Judging Panel of a national competition procedure for 2 Full Professor positions at the University of Naples "Federico II" (September 2018).
- Appointed member of the Judging Panel of a national competition procedure for 1 Full Professor position at Politecnico di Torino (July 2018).
- Appointed member of the Judging Panel of a national competition procedure for 1 Assistant Professor position (RTD-B) at the University "Niccolò Cusano" (May 2018).
- Appointed member of the Judging Panel of a national competition procedure for 1 Assistant Professor position (RTD-B) at the University "Niccolò Cusano" (April 2018).
- Appointed member of the Judging Panel of a national competition procedure for 1 Associate Professor position at ROMA TRE University (June 2017).
- Appointed member of the Judging Panel of a national competition procedure for 1 Associate Professor position at the University of Padua (June 2015).
Member of National PhD Evaluation Panels
- Appointed member of the Final Examination Panel for the Doctoral School in ICT International Doctoral School (Cycle XXX) at the University of Trento, Italy (April 2018).
- Appointed member of the Final Examination Panel for the Doctoral Course in Information Engineering (Cycle XXVII) at the University of Sannio, Italy (February 2016).
- Appointed member of the Final Examination Panel for the Doctoral School in Engineering - Section of Biomedics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications (Cycles XXV and XXVI) at "Roma Tre" University, Italy (May 2014).
- Appointed member of the Final Examination Panel for the Doctoral School in Innovative Technologies for Materials, Sensors, and Imaging (Cycle XXV) at the University of Naples "Federico II", Italy (May 2013).
- Appointed member of the Final Examination Panel for the Doctoral School in Physics (Cycle XXV) at the University of Padua, Italy (March 2012).
- Appointed member of the Final Examination Panel for the Doctoral School in Material Science and Engineering (Cycle XXV) at the University of Padua, Italy (March 2012).
Other management activities at national and international levels
- 2023 - now - Appointed member of the Board of Directors (Consiglio di Amministrazione) of the RadiLabs consortium.
- 2022-2023 - Appointed member of the Fondimpresa Technical Evaluation Panel for the call 1/2022 for projects on training and support of digital and technological innovation initiatives for small medium enterprises.
- 2011-2016 - Appointed member of the Focus Group on Metamaterials within the Finmeccanica MindShare Community on Advanced Materials and Enabling Technologies
- 2010-2014 - Appointed member of the Panel Sensors & Electronics Technology (SET-181) "Metamaterials for Defense and Security Applications" of the NATO Research and Technology Organization (2010-2014).
Management roles at ROMA TRE University
2022-now - Elected member and Chair of the Staff Recruitment Programming Board (Commissione di Programmazione) - Department of Industrial, Electronic, and Mechanical Engineering.
2022-now - Appointed member of the Department Board (Giunta di Dipartimento) - Department of Industrial, Electronic, and Mechanical Engineering.
2019-now - Appointed member of the Review Board (Gruppo del Riesame) for the MS course program on Telecommunication Engineering - Department of Engineering and, then, Department of Industrial, Electronic, and Mechanical Engineering.
2014-2021 - Appointed member of the Working Group on the Research Quality (Gruppo di Lavoro sulla Qualità della Ricerca) Department of Engineering.
2020-2021 - Elected member of the Staff Recruitment Programming Board (Commissione di Programmazione) - Department of Engineering.
2014-2016 - Elected member of the Staff Recruitment Programming Board (Commissione di Programmazione) - Department of Engineering.
2009-2022 - Appointed member of the Students Affair Board (Commissione Pratiche Studenti) for the MS course program on Communication and Information Technology Engineering - Department of Engineering and, then, Department of Industrial, Electronic, and Mechanical Engineering.
2010-2014 - Appointed Coordinator of Erasmus and International Mobility Programs for the Electronic Engineering Course Program, Faculty of Engineering.
2010-2014 - Appointed chairman of the Internationalization Board (Commissione per l'Internazionalizzazione) within the Doctoral School in Engineering Section of Electromagnetism, Telecommunications and Bioengineering.
2012-2014 - Appointed member of the Examination Panel for the access to the Active Training (TFA) courses for teaching candidates at the secondary school - class A034 Electronics.
2009-2013 - Appointed member of the Budget Distribution Board (Commissione per la Distribuzione del Budget) of the Electronic Engineering Course Program (2009-2013).