Research Projects
European Projects
- Horizon Europe - Pathfinder – "Plasma reconfigUrabL metaSurface tEchnologies (acronym PULSE)", project n. 10109931 2023-2026 (member of the METAMORPHOSE VI unit)
- H2020 NANOARCHITECTRONICS (Coordination and support action) - 2017-2018 - (Coordinator of the METAMORPHOSE VI unit)
- FP-7 NANOGOLD (STREP) - Self-organized nanomaterials for tailored optical and electrical properties - 2009-2012 (Senior Researcher, belonging to the METAMORPHOSE VI research unit)
- FP-7 ECONAM (Coordination and support action) - Electromagnetic Characterization Of NAnostructured Materials - 2008-2011 (Coordinator of the Dissemination Activities, Member of the Governing Board)
- FP-7 TREMOR (STREP) - An ambulatory BCI-driven tremor suppression system based on functional electrical stimulation - 2008-2011 (Senior Researcher, belonging to the Roma Tre research unit)
- FP-6 METAMORPHOSE (Network of Excellence) - METAMaterial ORganized for radio, millimetre wave, and PHOtonic Superlattice Engineering - 2004-2008 (Coordinator of the Joint Program for Spreading - JPS, Coordinator of the Training Activities, Member of the Governing Board, Member of the Executive Committee, Work Package Leader)
- COST Action IC1102 "Versatile, Integrated and Signal-aware Technologies for Antennas" - 2012-2016 (expert member)
- COST Action MP0702 "Towards Functional Sub-Wavelength Photonic Structures" - 2007-2011 (expert member)
- COST Action IC0603 "Antenna Systems and Sensors for Information Society Technologies" - 2007-2011 (expert member)
- COST Action 284 "Innovative Antennas for Emergine Terrestrial and Space-Based Applications" - 2002-2006 (expert member and member of the management committee as the proxy of the national delegate, prof. L. Vegni)
- COST Action 260 "Smart Antennas: Computer Aided Design and Technology" - 1999-2001 (expert member and member of the management committee as the proxy of the national delegate, prof. L. Vegni)
Projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Education
- 2023-2025 - PNRR Innovation Ecosystems - ROME TECHNOPOLE (leader of the Flagship Project 5 "Digital transition through AESA radar technology, quantum cryptography and quantum communications" appointed by the Rector of ROMA TRE University)
- 2023-2025 - "Smart Materials for Ubiquitous Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Delivery in Next Generation Sustainable Environments (acronym: AURORA)" - PRIN 2022 PNRR (Co-Principal Investigator; Principal Investigator: Prof. A. Massa)
- 2019-2021 - "Cloaking metasurfaces for a new generation of intelligent antenna systems (acronym: MANTLES)" - PRIN 2017 contract number 2017BHFZKH (Principal Investigator)
Projects funded by US bodies
- 2023-2024 - "Tailoring wave packets in Space-Time dispersive switched metasurfaces" funded by the US Air Force Office Research 23IOE065 (Principal Investigator: Prof. D. Ramaccia)
- 2020 - "Support for organizing METAMATERIALS 2020 - 14th International Congress on Engineered Material Platforms for Novel Wave Phenomena" funded by the US Navy - contract number ONRG - CSP - N62909-20-1-2087 (Principal Investigator)
- 2019 - "Support for organizing METAMATERIALS 2018 - 13th International Congress on Engineered Material Platforms for Novel Wave Phenomena" funded by the US Navy - contract number ONRG - CSP - N62909-19-1-2138 (Principal Investigator)
- 2018 - "Support for organizing METAMATERIALS 2018 - 12th International Congress on Engineered Material Platforms for Novel Wave Phenomena" funded by the US Navy - contract number ONRG - CSP - N62909-18-1-2173 (Principal Investigator)
- 2017-2018 "Non-reciprocal horn antennas using angular momentum biased metamaterials" funded by the US Army - contract number W911NF-17-1-0186 (Principal Investigator)
- 2017-2018 "Doppler cloak: Making moving objects invisible" funded by the US Navy - contract number ONRG - NICOP - N62909-17-1-2099 (Co-Principal Investigator)
- 2017 - "Support for organizing METAMATERIALS 2017 - 11th International Congress on Engineered Material Platforms for Novel Wave Phenomena" funded by the US Navy - contract number ONRG - CSP - N62909-17-1-2178 (Principal Investigator)
- 2016 - "Support for organizing METAMATERIALS 2016 - The Tenth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics" funded by the US Navy - contract number ONRG - CSP - N62909-16-1-2207 (Principal Investigator)
- 2014-2015 - "Self-filtering horn antenna for compact dual-linear and circular polarized receiving systems" funded by the US Army - contract number W911NF-14-1-0602 - R&D 1684-CC-01 (Co-Principal Investigator)
- 2014 - "Support for the organization of the XXIV Edition of the Distributed Doctoral School on Metamaterials - Metamaterials for microwave components and systems - funded by U.S. Army Forward Element Command-Atlantic, Research Division (USARFEC-A) (Principal Investigator)
- 2014 - "Support for the organization of the International Congress Metamaterials 2014" funded by U.S. Army Forward Element Command-Atlantic, Research Division (USARFEC-A) (Principal Investigator)
Projects funded by the European Space Agency
- 2017-2019 European Space Agency - RadioLabs - GSTP 6.2 (General Support Technology Programme) - "Digital Beam Forming for Rail – DB4Rail" - sub-contract "Study of the requirements, design, development, and test of a GNSS (GPS e GALILEO) antenna array and its implementation in an antijamming and antispoofing beamforming platform for railways applications" (Principal Investigator)
- 2008 - European Space Agency - ARIADNA Program - "Metamaterials for space applications: design of invisibility cloaks for reduced observability of objects" (Principal Investigator)
Research Contracts funded by Regione Lazio
- 2021-2022 "ATEMA - Metamaterial-based reconfigurable antennas" - funded by Regione Lazio - POR FESR Lazio 2014-2020, Research Groups, 2020 (Principal Investigator)
- 2020-2021 "CoSAT - Co-Siting Antenna Technology" funded by Regione Lazio - POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020, Strategic Projects (Principal Investigator)
- 2018-2019 "M2P - Metamateriali al Plasma" funded by Regione Lazio - POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020, Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) (Principal Investigator of the ROMA TRE unit)
Research Contracts funded by Private Companies
- "Sub-6 reconfigurable metasurfaces," funded by Huawei (scientific coordinator: prof. F. Bilotti), 2023-2024
- "Gradient and time-modulated metasurfaces to enhance the scanning performances of modern AESA radiating systems" funded by Leonardo SpA (scientific coordinator: prof. F. Bilotti), 2023
- "Reconfigurable metasurfaces for Ku satellite communications (acronym ANEMONE)" funded by Alma Sistemi s.r.l. (scientific coordinator: prof. A. Monti), 2023-2026
- "Study and implementation of an electrostatic field sensor prototype" funded by IES s.r.l (scientific coordinator: prof. F. Bilotti), 2022
- "Guided waves along complementary surface impedance layers" funded by Huawei (scientific coordinator: prof. F. Bilotti), 2021-2022
- "UWB WAIM-polarizer metasurface for phased array applications" funded by Elettronica SpA (scientific coordinator: prof. F. Bilotti), 2021
- "Cloaking with cylindrical metasurfaces applied on a mast" funded by Elettronica SpA (scientific coordinator: prof. F. Bilotti), 2021
- "Low observability materials" funded by Leonardo SpA (scientific coordinators: proff. F. Bilotti and A. Toscano) - 2021-2022
- "Research on angular filter for SLL/GL suppression" funded by Huawei (scientific coordinator prof. F. Bilotti) - 2020-2021
- "Low profile meta lens for BS antenna extended angular coverage" funded by Huawei (scientific coordinator prof. F. Bilotti) - 2020-2021
- "Metasurfaces for innovative antenna technology" funded by Leonardo SpA (scientific coordinator prof. F. Bilotti) - 2019-2020
- "Wide angle scanning antenna with low profile and low scanning loss" funded by Huawei (scientific coordinator prof. F. Bilotti) - 2019-2020
- "Employment of metamaterials for component miniaturization - MiniMETRIS II" funded by Finmeccanica-Leonardo (scientific coordinator prof. F. Bilotti) - 2015-2016
- "Innovative antennas for radio-mobile systems" funded by TELECOM Italia (scientific coordinator prof. F. Bilotti) - 2014
- "Innovative antennas for radio-mobile systems" funded by TELECOM Italia (scientific coordinator prof. F. Bilotti) - 2013
- "Innovative antennas for MIMO systems" funded by TELECOM Italia (scientific coordinator prof. F. Bilotti) - 2012
- "Employment of metamaterials for component miniaturization - MiniMETRIS" - Corporate Project Finmeccanica (scientific coordinator prof. F. Bilotti) - 2012
- "Innovative antennas for radio-mobile systems" funded by TELECOM Italia (scientific coordinator prof. F. Bilotti) - 2011
- "Antennas for wireless communication loaded with metamaterials", funded by TELECOM Italia (scientific coordinator prof. L. Vegni) - 2010 (Principal Investigator)
- "Design of an X-band AESA antenna array" funded by by VirtuaLab s.r.l.(scientific coordinator prof. L. Vegni) - 2010 (Principal Investigator)
- "Study of a C-band jammer" funded by by VirtuaLab s.r.l.(scientific coordinator prof. L. Vegni) - 2009 (Principal Investigator)
- "Printed antennas for wireless communication systems", funded by TELECOM Italia (scientific coordinator prof. L. Vegni) - 2009 (Principal Investigator)
- "Study of an X-band antenna array" funded by VirtuaLab s.r.l.(scientific coordinator prof. L. Vegni) - 2008 (Principal Investigator)
- "Galileo Test Range Development of antennas with circular polarization purity for satellite applications," funded by Alcatel Alenia Space (scientific coordinator prof. L. Vegni) - 2006-2007 (Principal Investigator)
- "Galileo Test Range Development of antennas with very reduced back radiation for satellite applications," funded by Alcatel Alenia Space (scientific coordinator prof. L. Vegni) - 2006-2007 (Principal Investigator)
- "Galileo Test Range Development of Ray-Tracing numerical methods for the electromagnetic characterization of the area of test", funded by Alcatel Alenia Space (scientific coordinator prof. L. Vegni) - 2006-2007 (Senior Researcher)
- "Design of planar ultra-wideband phased antenna arrays in single and double polarization" funded by Elettronica S.p.A. (scientific coordinator prof. L. Vegni) - 2004-2005 (Principal Investigator)
Other National Projects
- "Design of a Doppler Radar Target" funded by the Italian Defense Ministry and VirtuaLabs s.r.l. - PNRM (scientific coordinators Profs. F. Bilotti and L. Vegni) - 2012
- "Design of broadband metamaterial absorbers - II Phase" funded by the Italian Defense Ministry - PNRM (scientific coordinator Prof. A. Toscano) - 2012 (senior researcher)
- "Study of electromagnetic invisibility devices based on the use of metamaterials" - Progetto d'internazionalizzazione d'Ateneo funded by "Roma Tre" University (scientific coordinator Prof. F. Bilotti) - 2012
- "Design of broadband metamaterial absorbers - I Phase" funded by the Italian Defense Ministry - PNRM (scientific coordinator Prof. A. Toscano) - 2011 (senior researcher)
- PRIN 2006 "Study and fabrication of metamaterials for applications in electronics and telecommunications" funded by the Italian Ministry for the Research (scientific coordinator Prof. L. Vegni) - 2006-2007 (senior researcher)
- "Experimental demonstration of cancer growing by RF electromagnetic fields" funded by the Italian Environment Ministry (APAT) (scientific coordinator Prof. L. Vegni) - 2005-2006 (principal investigator)
- "Exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields" funded by the Italian Environment Ministry (APAT) (scientific coordinator Prof. L. Vegni) - 2005-2006 (senior researcher)
- "Development of prevision models of the electromagnetic field in RFID systems" funded by Consorzio Anagrafe Animale - CoAnAn - Italian Environment Ministry (scientific coordinator Prof. L. Vegni) - 2004-2005 (senior researcher)
- "Monitoring of the RF electromagnetic pollution Part II" funded by Provincia di Roma (scientific coordinator Prof. P. Bernardi) - 2003-2004 (senior researcher)
- "Design of antennas for UMTS mobile terminals" funded by the Italian Communication Ministry (scientific coordinator Prof. L. Vegni) - 2002-2004 (senior researcher)
- "Design of antennas for UMTS radio base stations" funded by the Italian Communication Ministry (scientific coordinator Prof. L. Vegni) - 2002-2004 (senior researcher)
- "Characterization of metamaterials for microwave applications" funded by the Department of Applied Electronics of "Roma Tre" University (scientific coordinator Prof. L. Vegni) - 2002 (senior researcher)
- "Analysis and design of microwave conformal antennas" funded by the Department of Applied Electronics of "Roma Tre" University (scientific coordinator Prof. L. Vegni) - 2002 (senior researcher)
- "Design of cavity backed patch antennas loaded with unconventional chiral and bi-anisotropic materials" - Junior Researcher Project funded by "Roma Tre" University with funds from the PRIN Projects of the Italian Ministry of Education and Research - 2001 (scientific coordinator)
- "Monitoring of the RF electromagnetic pollution" funded by Provincia di Roma, (scientific coordinator Prof. P. Bernardi) - 2001 (researcher)
- "Realization of a numerical code for the evaluation of the electric and manetic fields generated by power distribution lines at 50 Hz" funded by the Atomic Energy National Body (ENEA) (scientific coordinator Prof. L. Vegni) - 2001 (researcher)
- "Design of radiating integrated structures with PBG substrates for millimeter wave applications" - Junior Researcher Project funded by "Roma Tre" University with funds from the PRIN Projects of the Italian Ministry of Education and Research - 2000 (scientific coordinator)
- "Design of microwave antennas and scatterers" funded by the Department of Electronic Engineering of "Roma Tre" University (scientific coordinator Prof. L. Vegni) - 2000 (researcher)
- "Modelling and design of microwave and ultrasound antennas" funded by the Department of Electronic Engineering of "Roma Tre" University (scientific coordinator Prof. M. Pappalardo) - 2000 (researcher)
- "Innovative microwave filtering components" - Junior Researcher Project funded by "Roma Tre" University with funds from the PRIN Projects of the Italian Ministry of Education and Research - 1999 (scientific coordinator)
- "Hybrid techniques for the design of active integrated antennas" funded by the Department of Electronic Engineering of "Roma Tre" University (scientific coordinator Prof. L. Vegni) - 1999 (researcher)
Member of Review Panels of International Projects
- European Commission
- INTAS Research Projects
- Czech Science Foundation
- Romanian National Council for Research and Development
- Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- Science & Engineering Research Council - Singapore